Change your way

I’ve never cared too much about honesty.

Then why do I feel guilty over hurting a lot of other people’s feelings throughout the weekend, throughout my hang-over and gathering ? Why why why ? * Urrgh. Frowning and wondering why. Hailaa.

And maybe its about time I start wearing lesser amounts of jeans and shirts. Perhaps a bundle of long skirts and a dozen of loosee blouse should be nicer kan ? hope that I'm not one of the fashion disaster. Please be good. And you money, * keching kechingg. Come here to me, closer & closer  $.$

Pengikis duit terhebat. Macamana nak dapat duit yg melimpah ruah dlm keadaan sekelip mata. Hm think ! Agaknya kalau ketuk2 awan tu, dapat tak hujan duit ?>.< Ngaihh, really hope so XD